The simple, free tool that helps you find balance, power up and live more purposefully
By using Control Goal Soul, you will set positive intentions and take purposeful actions. It will quickly help you to feel responsible for your future and give you the tools to move forwards on your terms. By doing so, it will also enable you to build in greater resilience, so that you can better adapt to whatever the world throws at you.
And, as we've experienced recently, we could all do with some of that.
How it works
Control Goal Soul (or CGS) is built on the philosophy that all the essential ingredients that will determine the course of our lives can be found in three core areas of influence: things that we need to control, things that provide motivating, directional goals and things that nurture our souls.
An acute awareness and understanding of the various elements within these three spheres of influence, along with knowing how to interact with - and own - them, is the key to maintaining a happier, more fulfilled life.
CGS was created to help you map life's ingredients and then take command of them. And one of the principles of CGS is that each of these three areas are essential: we can not achieve success in one area without the support of the others (we can't achieve our goals unless our souls are enriched and our obstacles are under control - similarly, we can't get things under control without motivating goals or some self-compassion... all three areas must be supported).

Get unstuck by owning what you can take responsibility for and freeing yourself of what you can't

Power up by focusing on the things that matter to you most and move forward with intention

Living purposefully begins by nurturing your soul; whatever gives you peace and strength
"I love it. Felt like exactly what I need to hear right now."
Kate, UK
"I think it' a great tool. I like the holistic approach, and I found it easy to use."
Anji, UK
"It's really good. I think it will resonate with a LOT of people."
Daniel, The Netherlands
"Guided me to ask important questions and to believe I can tackle the answers."
Emily, Australia
Get started
We've developed two ways to use CGS: a QUICK version and a FULL version. CGS provides the flexibility to engage with it no matter the level of detail you are after or the time you have. The worksheet will guide you through both versions in detail, step-by-step. Download it, read through and get started.
The QUICK version: We use the three circles above as the basis for getting instant clarity on the path that will move you towards renewed happiness and greater success. Simply by understanding what fits into those three core areas - and committing to take steps to nurture those priorities - has enabled many people to already gain greater balance and direction. The worksheet may look long but it's worth reading it all once to allow you to get the most out of even the quick version.
The FULL version: For a more robust approach, we guide you through the four steps below, where the three circles for Control, Goal & Soul are supported more fully. We always recommend starting with the full tool and then coming back to the Quick version for top-ups, but feel free to jump in to what suits you today.

You first set a clear, guiding intention for what you want to achieve

Then identify where you will place your focus within the three areas of influence: Control, Goal & Soul

Next, make pledges to commit to your selected priorities; either time or achievement oriented

Finally, protect your plan by identifying your values, to motivate you and steer success

Get involved
CGS has been worked on and developed over time - helping both its founders Gareth Jones and Adam Stones to achieve very real and profound benefits (find out more on our story here) - but it is still 'new' to the world, and a work / labour of love in progress. We appreciate that a long PDF is not there easiest way to access the insights and potential of CGS. In time, we hope to turn CGS into a fully interactive digital tool that will connect with your existing software / tech uses. We also plan to provide you here with inspiring user cases, expanded guidance and helpful articles from experts. But for now, CGS is being beta launched as this simple website and detailed worksheet.
If you download the tool, we'd really love to hear your thoughts so we can continue to refine it and make sure it is helping to add value to people's lives. And if you'd like to collaborate on taking CGS forward, we're also happy to hear from you.
Got questions or feedback? Fire us an email